Business Card Templates And Designs

Emilly December 16, 2024

What Are The Business Cards?

Business cards are small cards having business information about an individual or a company.  It might include the person’s name, company’s name, a bit of the company’s information and some contact information. These cards are widely used to expand the business. Now, every company is making unique and different business cards to stay in business through Photoshop business card templates. But in the fast-growing world, some argue that business cards don’t bear that much value in this digital world. But few argue that these cards still have a lot of value.

Why Are Business Cards Still Important?

Business cards are one of the most effective and efficient ways of direct marketing. In this world of technology and social media, do they still bear that much value? We believe yes, they do. If we notice, not only youngsters but there are people above middle age who are leading big companies. There are men at the leading position of the companies who still believe in direct communication rather than using digital services. To reach them, and sell anything to them, you must know what they like and what they prefer. For them, and for many other reasons, business cards are still very important.  Let us have a look at the reasons why you should print yourself a business card:

Simplicity Always Works

You could send people the necessary information about you and your company through email. Right? But won’t that make an effort and time to get everyone’s email addresses? Whereas, handing over the business card is way easier and simpler. Sometimes, no matter how modern or technological you get, the old ways work better than anything.

It is quite true that mobile phones such as android and iPhones have given this ease of transferring information from one device to another way easily, but it is only true when the mobile phones are compatible. The chances of every targeted customer having the same mobile phone as yours as very low, which makes the business cards still a better and feasible option.

Always Handy

Whether your internet is troubling your, or having dead spots, you won’t be out of touch to the business card you received by hand. You can always access it. You can use them everywhere, at the remote fish camp, or an industry conference in a faraway hotel, or even in the scenarios when the cell phones or other digital gadgets are out of reaches, such as on airplanes and hospitals.

You won’t have to wait for your laptop to work to get the information about the company you are interested in.

Cultural Fit

Still, in many countries, business cards have so much value and these cards play an essential role in communicating with each other. It is actually a ritual exchange that goes on in many countries to establish a business relationship. For instance, in Hong Kong, if someone is handing you his business card and you don’t give yours in return, then you can actually close up the business then and there.

In Japan, the condition and quality of your business card tell people about you how well you intend to conduct yourself and your business. So, culturally, business cards still matter a lot in business terms.

Smartphones? Not Very Common Yet

Well, not having a smartphone is a struggle, right? But we believe that still there are plenty of people who either don’t have smartphones or they don’t like to carry it with them everywhere. Most of these are millennials, the ones who are on the leading chairs of big companies but working in their old ways. They believe in the things that made them successful. So, if you want to reach them and sell something to them, you better have a business card with you. They might even like you more because of that. So, why would you miss a great opportunity to land a client?


One of the many purposes of using business cards is that you promote your business through them. When you hand it over to any person, you expect that person to use the information on the card to contact you. So, why not use it then?

Your business card is actually a little brochure for your company and your services. It tells the client why they should contact you. You are directly promoting your business by handing over these business cards.

Face-to-Face Networking

Business networking is happening virtually these days. But while it has made people expand their business, face-to-face marketing is still yet to achieve, which is the truest way of marketing. If you want to increase your sales, build more opportunities, and expand your business, what’s better than convincing the targeted population in person.

Legit Business Face

In this era of fraudulent people growing everywhere, people want to connect with a company who is trustworthy. They usually judge the business by their appearance and they don’t like to communicate with the companies that have no reputation or well-known reputation. But when you hand over a legit business card with all the contact details, you show them that you are trustworthy.

So, What Exactly Should You Include In Your Card To Make It Stand Out?

What’s in your business card largely depends upon what business you are running. For instance, if you are working in a large company, they might have a predetermined business card with so much little for you to add. However, there are some basic things that much be included in a business card:

Be Deliberate And To The Point For The Information You Want To Convey.

You don’t want the necessary information to be lost in the crowd of letters and numbers. You just need to mention your name, designation, your own business email, phone number, website, company’s information, and the address if it is important.

Leave The Back Blank

If you want to do something different, you are more than welcome to do it. You can play with the design and logo if you want and if you are allowed to do it, but if you want to go with a solid business card style, you can keep things basic. Now many leading businessmen suggest that the back of the card should be blank and you should keep your information to the front portion only.

White Should Be The Base

Business cards are not for fashion or style trends. You want to keep them simple and up to the mark for the business purpose. So, go with a decent choice and choose the basic color white. This way people can write useful information on its front or back whenever necessary.

The Standard Size of 2” By 3.5”

Increasing the size might seem an easy way to make your business card stand out, but what will happen if it gets tossed away because it doesn’t fit in anyone’s wallet or pocket. Business cards are there to make them realize what your business is and how much they can trust you, and you can do it easily by choosing a decent size and design. You don’t have to go out of the line to go for it.

Creating A Business Card

Photoshop business card template for your business. When you want to be creative and design a business card, you can find plenty of welcome card templates. By using Photoshop, you can make the necessary changes and get it ready.

Photoshop Business Card Template

First, you should pick a standard size and which is 2” by 3.5”. You will create a white Photoshop file of this size. You will find the option in File > New, and there you will choose the size in the drop-down menu. Next, you can choose the layout in the New Guide Layout menu. You can select the columns and rows, and determine their height. Put your logo on the card by opening it there on the Photoshop file. When the logo is added, add your necessary information like your name, designation, contact details, website. Make sure the font style is bolder and bigger in the places where you really want to focus. Also, don’t crowd your card by the information. Leave some white space to make it look and feel like decent.

When making Photoshop business card template, make sure to understand the things that must be included in the card and what should not be.

Although business card styles have changed and evolved during these past decades, the importance of business cards remains intact. These cards literary represent you, your personality, your company, the way you are carrying it, and it is a very great tool to tell people about your creativity. Don’t ever underestimate the power of a good and well-designed business card and what it can do for you and your business. There are many potential clients out there and you have to impress them with a different, unique yet decent business card. 

Use these Business Cards Templates to design your business cards. These templates offer and eye catching look for your business cards and attract customers.